Monday, 18 November 2013

NaNoWriMo - The Handyman Day 18

Keeping the study warm
while Potter feverishly
creates pearls of fiction...
And then there were 18 days of November almost gone. Life has kicked in the last few days and I have not written a single word of fiction since the 14th #gulp

I knew I was going to struggle Fri for the same reasons I mentioned in the last post - I was trying to find an innovative way to introduce the video found footage. Sitting down on Friday I thrashed through the details, working through potential scenarios. I didn't want the found video to just arrive through Daniel's letterbox or be nailed to a wall or something - although I seriously considered these as solutions. I wanted some interesting angle, and how I vexed myself.

1.6k of debating words later, which is how I resolve plot issues, by writing down the debate in my head, I had some great additional ideas for the story but nothing original for the found footage.

Then the weekend kicked in and projects I was working on with other people took precedence. Chasing Innocence is getting a fresh proof and copy edit to try and get the last few rough edges out of the text. I'm starting a business and needed to get business card designs ready for the printers.

Saturday I finally came up with the found footage solution by thinking outside of the problem and looking at which characters could solve it for me. I came up with an excellent idea - hoorah to that. Now It's Monday and business needs took over again. So it's 16:00 and not a NaNoWriMo word has been scribed since Thursday night. I need to get back into the mindset, to get going. 20k of The Handyman beckons. I'm currently at 15,500 words. Wildy behind schedule but the set-up and introductions of act one are almost over. I'm about to move into the fun and games of act two. It'll be easier, words will be plentiful, I keep telling myself.

I'll let you know how it goes.

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