Sunday 24 February 2013

Mahrie Kindle Book Cover

My remit for the Snapshots covers was to create a contrast in the passing Amazon browser's mind. For Mahrie there would be a picture of a woman holding a rolling pin and a hacksaw, with blood splattered on the wall. Devoted stamped on the picture. In my mind the passing Amazon reader would want to know how this devoted woman ended up in this snapshot.

I've imagined a fuzzy approximation of the cover for almost the entire four months I've been developing Mahrie's story. I always imagined black and white artwork depicted as a polaroid picture on a yellow background broken up by handwriting.

The fabulous Monika Filipina provided the artwork and rawimage over at deviantart provided the Photoshop plug-in to make the stylised polaroid. After a lot of scrolling through fonts I found Impact did just what it says it will. I bought some yellow notepaper and wrote out the first page of the story five times trying to make my handwriting look just right.

Monika had also provided lettering for the story's subtitle: Devoted, but it didn't now work with the evolving pulp style of the cover. So I followed the instructions in Sue Chastain's rubber stamp effect tutorial on

And a lot of fiddling later I had what I think will be the cover for Mahrie. I hope you like it as much as I do. I'm just about to get feedback on the story itself, which will be followed by two weeks of busy editing, then two more of copy and proofing. Hopefully it will be available on Amazon about Easter time, where on launch you will be able to get it for a brief time, for free.

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