Thursday, 22 September 2011

Definitely not the beginning

The dream was not to write a fiction book and see it published, the journey was to write fiction that would be read and enjoyed by a lot of people. The realisation has been that good fiction is not made with an idea, or by finishing the writing of a great story. These are simply parts of the journey, the first third as it happens. You get the great book on the second leg of the journey - the edit, the repetitive spit and polish that smooths and one day we hope, will keep your audience breathless for each page turn. The final leg is getting people to read it.

Traditional paths to publishing will be closed to all but the famous and notorious. Unless you the author are marketable, then you probably won't be touched by any agent or publisher. The truth is, even if you were picked up and signed to a contract, much of the marketing and taking your book to readers, will have to be done by you. So why sign your rights away if you're going to be responsible for selling your book anyway?

This last leg of the journey, the part that will take your product to the millions staring wide-eyed at Amazon, will almost certainly be the hardest. This is the stage I'm at now. I have a product - a fiction/crime novel that has been edited and beta read to death. It's about to go through the copy, proof, typesetting and cover design mill. I will be my own publisher - Creative Crow has wriggled to existence. I hope you will join me on this part of the journey as we buff and tidy and hurl Chasing Innocence at the digital world. Along the way I also hope to cover some of what went into writing the book and continue detailing the processes for creating the next two books.

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